Welcome to RealNote Social AR

Welcome to RealNote Social AR

We are the social network
in Augmented Reality:

Publish emojis images models stickers like digital grafitti




Create and send AR-Messages to your friends right from here!

Was geht?



RealNote Map

With over 70,000 published Notes, there are some near you! Open our map and find out where our users are active.


How it works?

Find a place that you want to augment with your content!

Choose one of our models ...

... and place it on the spot!

Everyone who visits the place after you will see your post exactly as you left it!


How it works?

Find a place that you want to augment with your content!

Choose one of our models ...

... and place it on the spot!

Everyone who visits the place after you will see your post exactly as you left it!


Be creative

Paint the world the way you like it! With our AR editor, anyone can draw models and anchor them in the world!

Whether it's a 3D-text or pixel creature, your artwork will be saved in place for all to see!